Flights from Bhairahawa to Pokhara

Flights from Bhairahawa to Pokhara

Book your flight from Bhairahawa to Pokhara with Buddha Air. We provide the best deals for your travel so that you can get the cheapest and best fares available. Buddha Air operates daily flight from Pokhara to Bhairahawa. The flights are operated in Pokhara Airport and Bhairahawa Airport.

This flight route connects Pokhara to Bhairahawa, two of the best travel destinations of Nepal. Pokhara gives you breathtaking views of the Himalayas and lakes while Bhairahawa connects you to the peaceful and serene environment of Lumbini. You can get some of the best experiences about Lord Buddha’s life while at Bhairahawa.

Bhairahawa to Pokhara Flights Information

  • Daily flight from Bhairahawa to Pokhara
  • The flight departure time is *subject to change. So please refer to our Flight Status to know the exact flight timing.
  • The duration of the flight is 20 minutes

Book your flight tickets now at the lowest fares available. Get information about things to do and the best places to visit in Bhairahawa and Pokhara. Visit our ‘Where We Fly’ travel guide for more travel inspirations.