Amid coronavirus, a major concern among travelers about safety and the risk of being infected in the airport and during flight is a major concern. With the rapid number of cases increasing day after day, we understand the unease of making travel, therefore, to let our valued passengers discern the facts about air travel and the entire process of disinfecting the aircraft in Buddha Air we believe it will help boost confidence and understand that our new safety and hygiene measures are of the highest standard followed under the guidelines of WHO, IATA, and CAAN.
With the help of authorities in Tribhuvan an International Airport (TIA) and CAAN the airport premises now follow strict guidelines of social distancing and disinfecting frequently touched areas and other surfaces that are prone to contamination. On behalf of our passengers and their safety even Buddha Air has implemented thermal check, mandatory placements of sanitizers in sales counters, disinfecting baggage, and face shields for extra caution. In case of any symptoms of infection, the presence of medical teams and ambulance are available to emergency proposes. However, in this post, we will be focusing on the standard procedure of disinfecting our aircraft which will be done after the completion of each flight.
Disinfecting aircraft is important to avoid the risk of contamination and therefore we now have major attention while disinfecting our aircraft cabin and other parts in the aircraft that are highly exposed. Our trained personnel grouped in four are assigned for thorough cleaning of aircraft and disinfection. We use separate clothes and mops while cleaning different areas so to prevent any possible cross-contamination. A strict direction for proper disposal of used materials in double waste bags and sterilization of other protective gear used by cleaning staff with detergent and hot water or soaked in a diluted bleach solution is mandatory. We have appointed respective cabin crew to monitor the cleaning and take required-entry onboard after the successful completion of the task.
Our team of experts has marked especial areas in the aircraft that need better attention for cleanliness such as aisles, lavatories, galleys, flight deck, cabin attendant seats, and railings which will be thoroughly cleaned using standard disinfecting solutions approved by WHO and IATA. Buddha Air has its utmost care towards its passengers and their safety however in this difficult situation of the pandemic we request every one to take necessary precautions against COVID-19 to help us fight this disease and for the benefit of all.